October 2020: We are in the middle of a Pandemic. Stuck in our homes. Sitting in front of a computer all day.
Luckily we have parents who have filled our play space with puzzles, STEM activities and books. Our day is structured and we have plenty of activities to do after school that are engaging and fun.We have puzzles, legos and science kits to work with.
But what about the kids who have parents struggling to meet basic necessities. Do they have toys , activities and resources to go and access even the free amenities available in the county. What do they do after school ? What do they play with if the parents cannot afford any toys ?
This realization fired our efforts of collecting toys from our neighbors, friends and families. We also set up a toy donation box at the community center for people to drop off their kids old toys.
Oh BOY ! we couldn’t believe the number of people who donated almost new toys to our drive.
We took the toy donation to the Mustafa Center in Springfield. They work directly with Refugee families who have young kids.